
Restaurants around boston opera house
Restaurants around boston opera house

restaurants around boston opera house

Yet, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Boston Opera House was reopened in 2004 following an extraordinary process of renovation. The Opera House itself sustained serious damage in disuse, seemingly the end of its life. After hosting highly acclaimed performances, the company fell on hard times and the theatre was closed. The building later became home to the Opera Company of Boston, led by the legendary impresario Sarah Caldwell. Visit the result, a majestic theatre, an opulent home for vaudeville shows as well as films. The commission hired one of the most accomplished theatre architects of the age and told him to “spare no expense” on the project. The Boston Opera House was completed in 1928 as a tribute to Benjamin Franklin Keith, a leading figure in vaudeville, so popular in the United States in the years before. Watch a memorable show or come simply to gawk at this magnificent entertainment space. Now, however, after a lavish restoration in the early 2000s, the Opera House has a new vitality. Unable to pay its bills after decades at the heart of Boston’s cultural life, the Boston Opera House closed its doors in 1991 and began physically deteriorating at an alarming rate. Admire the old-world craftsmanship of this vaudeville-era reconstruction while you enjoy a performance in opera, theatre or dance.

Restaurants around boston opera house