
Model 1943 surface
Model 1943 surface

1981 Oates and Oates 1997 Frangipane 2002 Oates et al. 1981 Liverani 2006 Reichel 2009 Kelly-Buccellati 2010 Kepinski 2011) and administrative buildings (Lloyd et al. 1993 Frangipane 2001, 2002 Reichel 2002 McMahon 2009, 2014), the construction of large public works (Lloyd et al. This was manifest in the development of formalized administrative practices (Nissen et al. 2007) that combined mixed populations (Adams 1981 Emberling 2003) and were characterized by a degree of hierarchy and social differentiation (McMahon 2009). Between the end of the Ubaid (4600/4500 BCE) and the Middle Uruk/LC3-4 (3700-3400 BCE), we see the emergence of large urban centers (Adams and Nissen 1972 Adams 1981 Ur et al. The significance of these periods and the transition between them, stems from the large-scale social changes attested throughout them. IntroductionġThe Ubaid and Uruk/Late Chalcolithic periods in greater Mesopotamia have been subject to intensive research programs and debates over the past four decades (see Henricksen and Thuesen 1989 Stein and Rothman 1994 Rothman 2001 Postgate 2002 Carter and Philip 2010 Marro 2012 McMahon and Crawford 2014 Abu Jayyab and Baldi 2022 Baldi et al. Finally, our warmest regards to the three anonymous reviewers whose insightful comments contributed greatly to improving this work. Walid Abdel Moneim whom without his help in the field this work would have been incomplete. Michael Lewis whom read and commented on early versions of this paper. A special thanks to our friends and colleagues Elizabeth Gibbon and Dr. We would also like to thank the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH) Baghdad for providing the permission and the support for carrying out this work in Qadisiyah. Without this hospitality this work would not have been possible.

model 1943 surface

Abbas Al-Hussainy as a visiting professor at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto. Timothy Harrison and the CRANE Project for hosting Prof. We would like to thank first and foremost Prof.

Model 1943 surface